Thursday, February 10, 2011

Out for a drive in Florida

So, I've been busy this week.  I've been looking for jobs, searching the internet stuff that’s interesting and new, and just generally enjoying myself.  I've been out and about.  But I don't call this a collection of rants and raves for nothing.  Because, well let’s be honest, America's not interested in things being "peachy" or "dandy".  And I want to get this off of my chest.  I am so absolutely annoyed with people who cannot drive their car.  Now, for those of you who do not know, I consider myself a fantastic driver.  I've driven tens of thousands of miles without incident.  I've had my own insurance for nearly 10 years without a single accident or ticket.  I am a great driver.  However, People in Florida cannot F@#*&ing drive.  They are the worst.  Now I've driven on the Jersey turnpike, to Colorado (in one shot), and to Florida (also in one shot) and have seen a lot of traffic.  But here, there are morons.  They don't yield,  they speed, drive to slow, or just generally drive dangerously.  There is no such thing in Florida as defensive driving.  It is impossible, down here it’s more like, don't die driving.  The seniors that drive cause just as many problems as the idiots driving too fast.  There is no happy medium.  People of Florida stop this nonsense that you call driving.  Going 80 to the next stop light accomplishes nothing accept wasting gas and driving up the price, morons.  Seniors........get an eye exam and don't drive 15 mph under the limit.......please it’s just no better than speeding.  Like I said I consider myself a great driver, but I can only drive as good as others allow me.  If I worked in a video store I'd say "be kind, please rewind", but I don't so I say "Don't drive like an idiot, and I won't give you the finger."


  1. You make me laugh..and I do consider you a very good driver..unlike your brother..

  2. Stats back you up on this topic. The worst traffic jams and drivers in the entire US. Is is the overall older population or just free for all attitude?

    Keep your eyes open - cause when it happens it will be someone hitting you!
