Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Final Frontier?

Yesterday, I read about the wikileaks founder and how the Federal Government has issued a subpoena to twitter for his records.  Now, I'm not going to get into the politics or legality of the matter.  However, I will say this; the internet is the last frontier for the people.  It’s been many generations since this country has had an expansion to the west, or any growth at all.  So, the internet is our wild west.  How many of us will be able to explore space?  So, the internet is our final frontier.   It shouldn't be interfered with by the government.  The same thing happened to the western territories. The internet has changed; it has become incredibly commercialized from its humble beginning.  And this I can attest to that, being around in the mid-nineties when it was still young.  I remember going into chat rooms, and hearing "you've got mail", and of course dial up.  Wasn't that great?  I have no problem with advertisement in general, it has become a way of life and will only get worse.  I do have a problem with interference from the government.  It is very easy to blame wikileaks. But, perhaps our government should be more concerned with protecting it secrets. 

"If you don’t like what I have to say, then don’t read it." 

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