Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

It’s been a while since my last post but I'd like to start by saying this, Happy Saint Patrick's day.  "Top O' the morning to ye, It’s a day where everyone's a little Irish, except the gays and Italians.” Kent Brockman.  Of course this is a quote from The Simpsons episode 18 in season 8.  That was the first thing I watched this morning.  I sat there and had a little chuckle as I have every single time I've seen it (about 40 times)  But, this quote got me to thinking that this is probably offensive to someone, somewhere.  But I say who cares.  This particular quote originally aired March 16th, 1997.  I was 12.  But, who knows I'll probably create a shit storm for myself the same way the UCLA girl did.  The only difference, I really don't care if your gay, straight, bi, red, yellow, blue, republican, or democrat.  I'm not judging anybody in any way.  I just think it’s funny.  Stereotypical, sure, but today is St. Patrick’s Day, and I'm probably going to drink beer.   Ha, there is no probably here.  With that being said, it seems to me that we are slowly de-evolving here.  People are afraid to speak their minds, for fear of reprimand.  Well, I'm not, so if you don't like what I have to say then don't read.  Watch out for the green beer!

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