Monday, January 17, 2011

Where going to Hollywood

Hollywood has been tantalizing America for decades.  The allure, glitz, and glamour has captivated us for generations.  The classics are American as apple pie and are called the classics for a reason.  They were well written, beautifully acted, and genuinely entertaining.  That cannot be said of Hollywood today.  In my humble opinion most of everything released lately is junk.  Of course this statement has its acceptations.  But in general, movies and television shows have become so, irritating.  When I was a sophomore a TV show came out called C.S.I.  This was one of the first shows I remember actually following on a regular basis.   In its early years they showed real techniques, and low budget effects.  It was gritty and realistic.  The key word here is "was".  This show now is absolutely ridiculous.  According to their producers, there are “magic” ways to solve crime, huge international databases with everyone’s D.N.A, fingerprints, and who knows what else, and the C.S.I techs carry on with regular police business.   This to me is fascinating.  The once "after the crime" crew, now carries on with not only that, but preventing, interviewing, and protecting.  When exactly are these people going to sleep?  This is the perfect example of what annoys me with modern films and television.  There is no way any of it is believable.  Now don't get me wrong, a few of my favorite movies of all time are the Indian Jones trilogy (and some of the “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”).  Now they are hardly believable or realistic.  But they are not meant to be.  They are supposed to pay homage to the action and adventure films of the past.  Now there are some scenes in each movie that are just plain stupid.  In the “Temple of Doom” when they use a life raft as a parachute, or in the “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, when Indy survives a nuclear explosion in a lead lined refrigerator.  Yeah, ok, that’s a little farfetched even for Indian Jones, but I guess if Tsutomu Yamaguchi could have survived both atomic blasts of WWII this could be "Hollywood realistic".  Tsutomu Yamaguchi, by the way just passed away this past year...too bad we didn't hear more about him.  He was an outspoken critic of nuclear armament and rightfully so.  Instead of hearing about him we heard all about Leslie Nielson.  Sorry, I'm off on a tangent again.  I am sick of shows that are supposed to be realistic dramas that are just plain garbage.  They portray real life to be far more exciting than it really is.  When I was in high school, everyone wanted to be a forensic scientist.  But they were forgetting that there is science involved, half of those students that wanted to be a C.S.I.’s were flunking chemistry.  Way to portray that one.  I understand that these movies and TV. Shows are for entertainment, but let’s have a little basis of reality in them.  I have yet to see the remake of "True Grit" but I have high hopes.  I just want to see a little more of the past in our current movies and TV shows.  Because, if you forget where you’re from you're from, you'll never get to where you're going. 

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