Thursday, January 19, 2012

Long time no post.

Well, its been a while.  Work is going fine and I am definitely enjoying it...not that I'd every say otherwise on the internet.  We now live in an incredibly advanced and interconnected world, for better or worse.  I heard the other day that we as Americans are now exposed to over 3000 advertisements a day.  I say that while browsing on Google chrome, with my Gmail open, Google + open and now my blogger.  That's not to mention a that I work for a media company.  It's insane.  I guess my point is whether your on Facebook, Google +, or haha MySpace (just kidding).  Remember, your out there and you need to watch your back, so to speak.  Oh yeah, I'd also keep my email tasteful, because one day you'll have to put it down on something important.  I don't think that college recruiters would find funny.

Monday, June 6, 2011


So, I've been riding my bike home from work since I started, then about a week and a half ago, I wrecked. I sprained and fractured my wrist, tore up my leg and had to dig pebbles out of my hand. With all of that being said, I'm fine now but it wasn't fun at the time. I still had to get up on the bike and ride 3 more miles. That is exactly how I feel now. Not only was I hurt, I still had (what felt like) many miles to go.  I got knocked down and got right back up. I feel like "Rocky".  That's my mentality right now. I am determined to make this life a successful one. And I think I'm at the point where I get right back on the bike and have to finish the ride home, whether I'm twisted, broken, or bent, I am not beaten.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I got hired!

I've been busy lately, I got hired at The Nielson Media Company.  I'm working as a shipping/recieving clerk.  I work from 7 until 3:30, then I ride my bike home.  Its a great company to work for and everyone is very nice.  I hope that this is a great start my new life in Florida.  Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

It’s been a while since my last post but I'd like to start by saying this, Happy Saint Patrick's day.  "Top O' the morning to ye, It’s a day where everyone's a little Irish, except the gays and Italians.” Kent Brockman.  Of course this is a quote from The Simpsons episode 18 in season 8.  That was the first thing I watched this morning.  I sat there and had a little chuckle as I have every single time I've seen it (about 40 times)  But, this quote got me to thinking that this is probably offensive to someone, somewhere.  But I say who cares.  This particular quote originally aired March 16th, 1997.  I was 12.  But, who knows I'll probably create a shit storm for myself the same way the UCLA girl did.  The only difference, I really don't care if your gay, straight, bi, red, yellow, blue, republican, or democrat.  I'm not judging anybody in any way.  I just think it’s funny.  Stereotypical, sure, but today is St. Patrick’s Day, and I'm probably going to drink beer.   Ha, there is no probably here.  With that being said, it seems to me that we are slowly de-evolving here.  People are afraid to speak their minds, for fear of reprimand.  Well, I'm not, so if you don't like what I have to say then don't read.  Watch out for the green beer!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I don't really have much to say today except it’s an amazing day here in sunny Florida.  I went for a walk today and it is nice out.  My guess it’s about 82 with a steady breeze.  The only thing that would make it better would be to have...wait, it’s awesome, I don't think it could be any better out.  However, I will say this I hated the upstate New York weather, where it’s probably 15 right now, but I do miss my family and friends.  That's the only way my sunny Florida day could be any better.   Sending my best from Florida!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A man's word?

So, when exactly did someone's word go to hell?  I've always been curious about this.  When exactly did a man's word stop meaning something?  When did a handshake stop meaning anything?  Honestly, I've only know a very few people who still hold this true.  Those are the few that I call friends.  To, be frank any person who still holds these values true are genuine people.  They are the people who really care.  Those are the people who you can trust.  I do not think anyone who does not keep to their word do not deserve to have friends. In the end I just hope they remember what goes around comes around! 

(Please note, this is an occurrence that happened a while ago but I'm still a little upset about it)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Out for a drive in Florida

So, I've been busy this week.  I've been looking for jobs, searching the internet stuff that’s interesting and new, and just generally enjoying myself.  I've been out and about.  But I don't call this a collection of rants and raves for nothing.  Because, well let’s be honest, America's not interested in things being "peachy" or "dandy".  And I want to get this off of my chest.  I am so absolutely annoyed with people who cannot drive their car.  Now, for those of you who do not know, I consider myself a fantastic driver.  I've driven tens of thousands of miles without incident.  I've had my own insurance for nearly 10 years without a single accident or ticket.  I am a great driver.  However, People in Florida cannot F@#*&ing drive.  They are the worst.  Now I've driven on the Jersey turnpike, to Colorado (in one shot), and to Florida (also in one shot) and have seen a lot of traffic.  But here, there are morons.  They don't yield,  they speed, drive to slow, or just generally drive dangerously.  There is no such thing in Florida as defensive driving.  It is impossible, down here it’s more like, don't die driving.  The seniors that drive cause just as many problems as the idiots driving too fast.  There is no happy medium.  People of Florida stop this nonsense that you call driving.  Going 80 to the next stop light accomplishes nothing accept wasting gas and driving up the price, morons.  Seniors........get an eye exam and don't drive 15 mph under the limit.......please it’s just no better than speeding.  Like I said I consider myself a great driver, but I can only drive as good as others allow me.  If I worked in a video store I'd say "be kind, please rewind", but I don't so I say "Don't drive like an idiot, and I won't give you the finger."